Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Big Edit

As another calendar year turns the page, it’s time to start off on a fresh foot. That includes design, where a streamlined simplicity is the goal, such as this space designed by Laura Zender. Careful editing will reduce clutter, and rearranging items can create an invigorated look.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Top-Shelf Advice

Ideally, shelves should bring clarity and order to a space. But too often they become a repository for random knick-knacks, clutter, and out-of-scale items. Balancing creativity with practicality, designers know how to maximize shelf space and make it look attractive.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Creating Cozy

Many homeowners want their rooms to be cozy and comfortable, especially here in Michigan, where summer gives way all too soon to an extended period of shorter days and colder temperatures.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Designer Horror Stories

From unpleasant surprises in a newly purchased home to DIY projects gone wrong, we’ve all heard (or experienced) horror stories about design projects gone awry.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

What Makes a Classic?

Design trends come and go and what seems popular today may be passé tomorrow. Good news! There are many timeless designs with staying power that can keep our homes fresh and current for years to come. Top designers and MDC showroom managers share their favorites.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Homage to Heritage

Design elements from around the world have long influenced interior design and acted as a source of inspiration. Whether inspired through travel or to honor their own culture, these top designers share how they incorporate global elements into their clients’ homes.