To design environments that keep daily living magical! Using the tools of great architecture: sunlight, views, scale and functional commodity, with those of excellent interior decorating: lighting, paint, furniture and fabrics, to create visual, functioning environments that suit the personalities of our clients and the way they live.
An interdisciplinary team of architects and interior designers providing residential and commercial services: architecture, interior architecture, and furnishing, either a’ la carte or turnkey. Work is cited for its variety of styles, rigorously detailed documentation, custom construction, and the highest quality available at all budget levels.
Complimentary evaluation
Fee methods
Hourly with retainer of fixed fee contracts for design services. Product services are net cost plus commission.
Additional information
Principal Mark Johnson, B. Arch. Rice University 1988 and apprentice to Robert A. M. Stern Architects, has spent the past 21 years practicing his passion for marrying inheritable architecture with rich interior decoration. Detroit Home Design Awards: First Place- Contemporary Interior Design 2006 and Traditional Interior Design 2008.